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dc.creatorPIPOC 2007 International Palm Oil Congress Palm oil: Empowering change August 26-30, 2007 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia : 47317.
dc.creatorBeulé, Thierry 46251.
dc.creatorFuentes, Ivanna 47260.
dc.creatorMarguerettaz, Mélanie 47261.
dc.creatorMorcillo, Fabienne 46255.
dc.creatorSingh, Rajinder 46378.
dc.creatorTregear, James 46258.
dc.creatorMalaysian Palm Oil Board, MPOB 50178.
dc.descriptionIncluye referencias bibliográficas.
dc.publisherKuala Lumpur : MPOB,
dc.subjectCultivo de tejidos.
dc.subjectMarcas moleculares
dc.subjectPalma de aceite
dc.titleIdentification of early molecular markers associated with the mantled phenotype in micropropagated oil palms by Subtractive PCR and cDNA Array Analysis.

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