Now showing items 21-40 of 22269

      Authors Name
      1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference. (Nutricion and Health). 1989. September 5-9, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 53997 [1]
      1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference. (Nutricion and Health). 1989. September 5-9, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 54001 [1]
      1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference. (Nutricion and Health). 1989. September 5-9, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 54005 [1]
      1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference. (Nutricion and Health). 1989. September 5-9, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 54012 [1]
      1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference. (Nutricion and Health). 1989. September 5-9, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 54014 [1]
      1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference. Agriculture. 1989. September 5-9, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 43431. [46]
      1989 PORIM International Palm Oil Development Conference. Agriculture. 1989. September 5-9, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 43431 [1]
      1990 ISOPB International workshop on yield potential in the oil palm october 29-30 : Phuket, Thailand : 40205. [19]
      1991 ISOPB International Workshop on Genotype - engvironment Interaction Studies in Perennial Tree Crops. Proceedings September 12-13 : K.L. Hilton, Malaysia : 46199. [1]
      1991 PORIM International Palm Oil Conference-Progress Prospects and Challenges Towards the 21st Century 9 September, 1991 : Kuala Lumpur : 43614. [1]
      1993 ISOPB International symposium on recent developments in oil palm tissue culture and biotechnology Septembe 24-25 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia : 40208. [1]
      1993 ISOPB International Symposium on Recent Developments in Oil Palm Tissue Culture and Biotechnology September 24-25 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia : 45249. [19]
      1993 PORIM International Palm Oil Congress "Update and Vision" (Chemistry and Technology) September 20-25 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia : 49212. [5]
      1993 PORIM International Palm Oil Congress "Update and Vision" (Chemistry and Technology) September 20-25 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 49212 [6]
      1993 PORIM International Palm Oil Congress Update and Vision September 20-25, 1993 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 53652 [1]
      1993 PORIM International Palm Oil Congress Update and Vision September 20-25, 1993 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 53653 [1]
      1993 PORIM International Palm Oil Congress Update and Vision September 20-25, 1993 : Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. 53656 [1]
      1994/95 Palm Lauric oils price outlook forum. 53434 [1]
      1995 PORIM International biofuel conference January 16-17 : Kuala Lumpur : 49153. [6]
      1995 PORIM International biofuel conference January 16-17 : Kuala Lumpur. 49153 [2]