The Role of Soil and Plant Nutrition on Oil Palm Bud Rot Disease: A Review

Cristancho R., José A.
Alfonso C., Óscar A.
Molina L., Diego L.
Revista Palmas; Vol. 33 Núm. 2 (2012); 9-22
Revista Palmas; Vol. 33 Núm. 2 (2012); 9-22
Bud rot disease (BRD) is a major threat of the oil palm crop in tropical America caused by Phytophthora palmivora. The role of plant nutrition on plant diseases management has been studied and reported in many crops worldwide. The objective of this paper is to review on the relationship between the soil properties, the plant nutrition and the integrated agronomic management on the susceptibility of the palms to BRD. In Colombia (East and West zones) was found that soil parameters related with poor drainage increased the predisposition and the incidence of the BRD. The areas with poor drainage were characterized by high clay contents and bulk density, and low infiltration rates and hydraulic conductivity. By the other hand, it was reported that high levels of nitrates, aluminum and manganese accompanied with low N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S and B content, and their imbalance in the soils and in the plant enhanced the predisposition to BRD. As a successful management practices reported to decrease the incidence of BRD were the drainage improvement, the soil compaction reduction, the incorporation of soil amendments and the balanced nutrient management in the different crop stages. The former recommendations must be accompanied with an optimum nursery management, early detection and treatment of affected palms, and finally the monitoring and control of Rhynchophorus palmarum pests. In general, it was observed that in some Colombian regions that the integrated soil, water and palm nutrition management decreased the susceptibility to BRD and gave the optimum conditions for a good growth and yield expression. La Pudrición del cogollo (PC) es la enfermedad más importante de la palma en América tropical y su agente causal es el hongo Phytophthora palmivora. La nutrición representa un factor importante en el grado de susceptibilidad de las plantas a varias enfermedades. El objetivo de este artículo es revisar la información publicada sobre la relación entre las características de los suelos, la nutrición, el manejo agronómico integrado y la enfermedad Pudrición del cogollo (PC). En Colombia (Zonas Oriental y Occidental) se encontró que excesos de humedad asociados con altos contenidos de arcilla, alta densidad aparente y bajas velocidades de infiltración y conductividad hidráulica favorecieron la presencia de la PC. Por otro lado, se reportó que altos niveles en el suelo de nitritos, Al y Mn intercambiable, acompañados por deficiencias de N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S y B, al igual que desequilibrios en el suelo y en la planta propiciaron una mayor susceptibilidad de las palmas a la enfermedad. Como estrategias de manejo se ha implementado de manera satisfactoria la siembra en bancales, el manejo de drenajes, la aplicación de enmiendas y el manejo balanceado de la nutrición en las diferentes etapas del cultivo. De igual forma es importante resaltar el manejo óptimo de los viveros, la detección temprana y la aplicación de agroquímicos en palmas afectadas. Todo lo anterior acompañado por el monitoreo y control del Rhynchophorus palmarum. En general, se observa que en algunas localidades de Colombia un manejo integrado del suelo, del agua y de la nutrición del cultivo reduce la susceptibilidad de las palmas a la PC, brindando condiciones adecuadas para el óptimo crecimiento y desarrollo del cultivo.
Bud rot disease (BRD) is a major threat of the oil palm crop in tropical America caused by Phytophthora palmivora. The role of plant nutrition on plant diseases management has been studied and reported in many crops worldwide. The objective of this paper is to review on the relationship between the soil properties, the plant nutrition and the integrated agronomic management on the susceptibility of the palms to BRD. In Colombia (East and West zones) was found that soil parameters related with poor drainage increased the predisposition and the incidence of the BRD. The areas with poor drainage were characterized by high clay contents and bulk density, and low infiltration rates and hydraulic conductivity. By the other hand, it was reported that high levels of nitrates, aluminum and manganese accompanied with low N, P, K, Mg, Ca, S and B content, and their imbalance in the soils and in the plant enhanced the predisposition to BRD. As a successful management practices reported to decrease the incidence of BRD were the drainage improvement, the soil compaction reduction, the incorporation of soil amendments and the balanced nutrient management in the different crop stages. The former recommendations must be accompanied with an optimum nursery management, early detection and treatment of affected palms, and finally the monitoring and control of Rhynchophorus palmarum pests. In general, it was observed that in some Colombian regions that the integrated soil, water and palm nutrition management decreased the susceptibility to BRD and gave the optimum conditions for a good growth and yield expression.
Palabras clave:
oil palm
soil characteristics
plant nutrition
Bud rot
agronomic management
palma de aceite
características de los suelos
nutrición de plantas
pudrición del cogollo
manejo agronómico
oil palm
soil characteristics
plant nutrition
Bud rot
agronomic management
palma de aceite
características de los suelos
nutrición de plantas
pudrición del cogollo
manejo agronómico