Harvesting by Using Grabber in Oil Palm Crops: a Case Study in a Plantation of Colombia
Munévar M. , Daniel E.
Ruiz Á. , Elizabeth
Díaz R. , William D.
Báez C. , Diego E.
Hernández H. , Juan S.
Salamanca , Óscar
Mosquera Montoya , Mauricio
Revista Palmas; Vol. 41 Núm. 2 (2020); 13-26
Revista Palmas; Vol. 41 Núm. 2 (2020); 13-26
The harvest of oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) in one of the processes that account for the greatest share in the total of production costs of oil palm cropping. Besides, the harvest is the most labor- intensive process when it comes to oil palm cropping. The latter must be considered since labor supply tends to decrease at rural areas. This is why, technologies such as the grabber, a mechanized system for picking up bunches from the floor, are interesting for growers. The grabber helps increasing labor productivity. The results presented here, correspond to a time and motion study undertaken in order to assess labor yield, once the grabber is implemented for harvesting. The study considered the seasonality in FFB yield (measured in tons of FFB/hectare) by analyzing labor yield during high yield months, against low yield months. Results indicate that the grabber picks up between 20.3 t FFB/day from 31 ha/day during the months with low yield and; 30.5 t FFB/day from 12.7 ha/day during the months with high yield. Regarding the unit cost per ton of FFB harvested, it was estimated a value of COP 24,263/t FFB at high yield months and, a value of COP 27,083/t FFB at low yield months. In conclusion, it is 10.4 % cheaper to harvest by using the grabber when there are high yields (t FFB/ha), which sheds light on the fact that mechanized systems require high yields to be cost-effective. La cosecha de racimos de fruta fresca (RFF) de palma aceite es uno de los procesos que representa la mayor parte del total de los costos del cultivo de palma de aceite. Además, es el proceso más intensivo en cuanto a mano de obra, algo que debe ser considerado ya que su oferta tiende a disminuir en las zonas rurales. Por eso, tecnologías como el grabber, un sistema mecanizado para recoger racimos del suelo, son interesantes para los cultivadores, pues ayuda a aumentar la productividad de la mano de obra. Los resultados presentados aquí corresponden a un estudio de tiempo y movimiento realizado con el fin de evaluar el rendimiento laboral, una vez que el grabber se implementa para la cosecha. El estudio consideró la estacionalidad en el rendimiento de RFF (las fluctuaciones del rendimiento en el año, medido en toneladas de RFF/hectárea) mediante el análisis del rendimiento de la mano de obra durante los meses de alta produccción, frente a los meses de baja producción. Los resultados indican que el grabber recoge entre 20,3 t RFF/día a partir de 31 ha/día durante los meses con baja producción y, 30,5 t RFF/ día a partir de 12,7 ha/día durante los meses con alta producción.
The harvest of oil palm fresh fruit bunches (FFB) in one of the processes that account for the greatest share in the total of production costs of oil palm cropping. Besides, the harvest is the most labor- intensive process when it comes to oil palm cropping. The latter must be considered since labor supply tends to decrease at rural areas. This is why, technologies such as the grabber, a mechanized system for picking up bunches from the floor, are interesting for growers. The grabber helps increasing labor productivity. The results presented here, correspond to a time and motion study undertaken in order to assess labor yield, once the grabber is implemented for harvesting. The study considered the seasonality in FFB yield (measured in tons of FFB/hectare) by analyzing labor yield during high yield months, against low yield months. Results indicate that the grabber picks up between 20.3 t FFB/day from 31 ha/day during the months with low yield and; 30.5 t FFB/day from 12.7 ha/day during the months with high yield. Regarding the unit cost per ton of FFB harvested, it was estimated a value of COP 24,263/t FFB at high yield months and, a value of COP 27,083/t FFB at low yield months. In conclusion, it is 10.4 % cheaper to harvest by using the grabber when there are high yields (t FFB/ha), which sheds light on the fact that mechanized systems require high yields to be cost-effective.
Palabras clave:
Labor yield
mechanized harvest
unit costs
E. guineensis
rendimiento de la mano de obra
cosecha mecanizada
costos unitarios
E. guineensis
Labor yield
mechanized harvest
unit costs
E. guineensis
rendimiento de la mano de obra
cosecha mecanizada
costos unitarios
E. guineensis