Experiences of Palmeras de Puerto Wilches Suplier Service and Attention Unit (SSAU/USAP- in Spanish) in Favor of the Productive Improvement of the Strategic Allies and the Assurance of Raw Material for the Mill
Banderas Pereira, Anngey Lorena
Pabón Villalba, Juan Guillermo
Palmas; Vol. 43 Núm. 1 (2022); 141-148
Palmas; Vol. 43 Núm. 1 (2022); 141-148
Palmeras de Puerto Wilches S. A. (PPW), over the years, has strengthened its technical assistance unit to su- pport its loyal producers by promoting the implementation of the best sustainable agronomic practices (BSAP) and by facilitating the services and supplies that are required for the adoption of technologies, to increase productivity and consolidate the Company-Farmer commercial link. In addition to the constant, timely and quality assurance of fresh fruit bunches (FFB-RFF in Spanish) to the benefit plant. The methodology used in this experience is based on the identification of loyal producers, their characte- rization, identification, and creation of strategies to overcome the limitations found and an economic analysis that allows sustaining the continuity of the Supplier Service and Attention Unit (SSAU). In 2021, PPW had 195 loyal suppliers, distributed in 8 municipalities in the departments of Santander, Norte de Santander and Cesar, representing 97% of the total annual fruit processed in the processing plant. In 2018, the Technological Balance Index (TBI) had a gap of 60%, reducing it to 40% in 2020, and achieving an increase in average productivity of 28% in 2020, compared to 2018, going from 10.8 to 13.9 t FFB/ha* year respectively. These results have allowed to the SSAU to continue betting on the approach of the mega goal proposed by the guild of 5 t Crude Palm Oil (CPO)/ha* year. Palmeras de Puerto Wilches S. A. (PPW), a través de los años, ha fortalecido su unidad de asistencia técnica para el acompañamiento a sus productores fidelizados al promover la imple- mentación de las mejores prácticas agronómicas sostenibles (MPAS) y al facilitar los servicios e insumos que se requieren para la adopción de tecnologías, con la finalidad de aumentar productividades y consolidar el vínculo comercial Núcleo-productor. Además del aseguramiento de racimos de fruta fresca (RFF) constante, oportuno y de calidad a la planta de beneficio. La metodología utilizada en esta experiencia se basa en identificación de productores fidelizados, su ca- racterización, identificación de limitantes, estrategias para superar las limitantes y un análisis económico que permite sustentar la continuidad de la Unidad de Servicio y Atención al Proveedor (USAP). Para 2021 PPW contaba con 195 proveedores fidelizados, distribuidos en 8 municipios de los departamentos de Santander, Norte de Santander y Cesar, representando el 97 % del total de fruto anual procesado en la planta de beneficio. Para 2018, el índice de balance tecnológico (IBT) contaba con una brecha de 60 % disminuyéndola a 40 % para 2020, y logrando el aumento de la productividad promedio en un 28 % en 2020, respecto al 2018, pasando de 10,8 a 13,9 t/ha/año respectivamente. Resultados que han permitido seguir apostando al acercamiento de la mega meta propuesta por el gremio de 5 t/APC/ha/año.
Palmeras de Puerto Wilches S. A. (PPW), over the years, has strengthened its technical assistance unit to su- pport its loyal producers by promoting the implementation of the best sustainable agronomic practices (BSAP) and by facilitating the services and supplies that are required for the adoption of technologies, to increase productivity and consolidate the Company-Farmer commercial link. In addition to the constant, timely and quality assurance of fresh fruit bunches (FFB-RFF in Spanish) to the benefit plant. The methodology used in this experience is based on the identification of loyal producers, their characte- rization, identification, and creation of strategies to overcome the limitations found and an economic analysis that allows sustaining the continuity of the Supplier Service and Attention Unit (SSAU). In 2021, PPW had 195 loyal suppliers, distributed in 8 municipalities in the departments of Santander, Norte de Santander and Cesar, representing 97% of the total annual fruit processed in the processing plant. In 2018, the Technological Balance Index (TBI) had a gap of 60%, reducing it to 40% in 2020, and achieving an increase in average productivity of 28% in 2020, compared to 2018, going from 10.8 to 13.9 t FFB/ha* year respectively. These results have allowed to the SSAU to continue betting on the approach of the mega goal proposed by the guild of 5 t Crude Palm Oil (CPO)/ha* year.
Palabras clave:
Oil palm guild
Loyalty producers
Adoption of technologies
Good agronomic practices (GAP)
Technological Balance Index (TBI)
Núcleo Palmero
Productores fidelizados
Adopción de tecnologías
uenas prácticas agronómicas (BPA)
Índice de Balance Tecnológico (IBT)
Oil palm guild
Loyalty producers
Adoption of technologies
Good agronomic practices (GAP)
Technological Balance Index (TBI)
Núcleo Palmero
Productores fidelizados
Adopción de tecnologías
uenas prácticas agronómicas (BPA)
Índice de Balance Tecnológico (IBT)