Evaluation of the behavior adsorbent materials in the bleaching stage of the crude oil palm

Márquez V., María I.
Rodríguez E., Kellys
Polo, Ángel
Díaz, Luis C.
Brochero, César
Bastidas, Marlon
Moreno, Juan C.
Palmas; Vol. 33 Núm. 1 (2012); 63-73
Palmas; Vol. 33 Núm. 1 (2012); 63-73
The adsorption properties of different adsorbent materials were tested during the bleaching stage of a conventional process of physical refining of palm oil. As adsorbent materials there were used a commercial acid-activated clay (Tonsil) and activated carbons of different origins. To establish the degree of influence on the bleaching between the acidic clay and activated carbon, there were determined both experimentally and physicochemical properties of those materials, such as chemical functionality, surface area, enthalpies of immersion, and weight loss with respect to temperature. The activated carbons used in this investigation are predominantly microporous and basic in nature. Those of mineral origin (C-1) presented great benefits to the removal of carotenes (45.07%) and phosphorous (82.20%). Mixing activated carbon and acid-activated clays obtain the best results. In agreement with the obtained results of Lovibond colour index and carotenes quantification, it is possible to deduce that the final colour of palm oil obtained from physical refinement is not directly related to the capacity of bleaching of adsorbent materials used in the process, which is confirmed by Rossi et al. (2002). Las propiedades de adsorción de diferentes materiales adsorbentes fueron estudiadas durante la etapa de blanqueo de un proceso convencional de refinación física de aceite de palma. Se utilizaron como materiales adsorbentes una arcilla activada-ácida comercial (Tonsil) y carbones activados de diferentes orígenes. Para establecer el grado de influencia en el blanqueo entre la arcilla ácida y los carbones activados, se determinaron experimentalmente propiedades fisicoquímicas de ambas, tales como funcionalidad química, área superficial, entalpías de inmersión y pérdida de peso con respecto a la temperatura. Los carbones activados empleados en esta investigación son en su mayoría microporosos y de carácter básico, de los cuales el de origen mineral (C-1) presentó mejores resultados en la remoción de caroteno (45,07%) y fósforo (82,20%). De igual manera, los resultados demuestran que la mezcla entre el carbón activado y la arcilla resulta ser más eficiente en la remoción de los pigmentos carotenoides y fósforo; y de acuerdo con los resultados obtenidos de índice de color Lovibond y cuantificación de carotenos se puede evidenciar que el color final del aceite de palma obtenido por refinación física no está relacionado directamente con la capacidad de blanqueo de los materiales adsorbentes usados en el proceso, lo cual se confirma con lo establecido por Rossi et ál. (2002), quienes corroboran que los carotenos son removidos con mayor eficiencia en la etapa posterior del blanqueo llamada desodorización.
The adsorption properties of different adsorbent materials were tested during the bleaching stage of a conventional process of physical refining of palm oil. As adsorbent materials there were used a commercial acid-activated clay (Tonsil) and activated carbons of different origins. To establish the degree of influence on the bleaching between the acidic clay and activated carbon, there were determined both experimentally and physicochemical properties of those materials, such as chemical functionality, surface area, enthalpies of immersion, and weight loss with respect to temperature. The activated carbons used in this investigation are predominantly microporous and basic in nature. Those of mineral origin (C-1) presented great benefits to the removal of carotenes (45.07%) and phosphorous (82.20%). Mixing activated carbon and acid-activated clays obtain the best results. In agreement with the obtained results of Lovibond colour index and carotenes quantification, it is possible to deduce that the final colour of palm oil obtained from physical refinement is not directly related to the capacity of bleaching of adsorbent materials used in the process, which is confirmed by Rossi et al. (2002).
Palabras clave:
carbón activado
arcillas activadas-ácidas
aceite de palma
refinación física
caroteno total
activated carbon
acid-activated clays
palm oil
total carotene
physical refining
carbón activado
arcillas activadas-ácidas
aceite de palma
refinación física
caroteno total
activated carbon
acid-activated clays
palm oil
total carotene
physical refining