Costs associated with lethal wilt in oil palm
Palmas; Vol. 32 Núm. 3 (2011); 39-47
Palmas; Vol. 32 Núm. 3 (2011); 39-47
At the periodical meetings held by the Agronomic Regional Advisor Committee (Eastern Zone) there has been an effort towards standardizing the criteria for dealing with the disease known as lethal wilt. At those meetings, it has been discussed the best practices, at the agricultural and researching level, in order to diminish the disease’s spreading rate. As a result of this knowledge agreement and criteria unification, made in 2010, it was obtained a technological package for dealing with the lethal wilt. This paper presents a cost estimate of the implementation of mentioned package. This paper also estimates on potential losses associated to lethal wilt attacks using the methodology suggested by Cenipalma (BoletínTécnico No 22) En las reuniones periódicas que sostiene el Comité Asesor Regional Agronómico (Zona Oriental) hubo un esfuerzo por estandarizar los criterios para enfrentar la enfermedad conocida como la Marchitez letal. También se han discutido las mejores prácticas, tanto a nivel de plantación como de investigación, para disminuir la tasa de diseminación de la enfermedad. Fruto de este ejercicio de concertación de conocimientos y unificación de criterios, llevado a cabo durante 2010, se obtuvo un programa tecnológico para el manejo de la Marchitez letal. Este artículo presenta una estimación del costo de implementación de dicho programa. También se presentan los resultados de una estimación de las pérdidas potenciales asociadas con la Marchitez letal usando la metodología sugerida por Cenipalma (Boletín Técnico No. 22).
At the periodical meetings held by the Agronomic Regional Advisor Committee (Eastern Zone) there has been an effort towards standardizing the criteria for dealing with the disease known as lethal wilt. At those meetings, it has been discussed the best practices, at the agricultural and researching level, in order to diminish the disease’s spreading rate. As a result of this knowledge agreement and criteria unification, made in 2010, it was obtained a technological package for dealing with the lethal wilt. This paper presents a cost estimate of the implementation of mentioned package. This paper also estimates on potential losses associated to lethal wilt attacks using the methodology suggested by Cenipalma (BoletínTécnico No 22)
Palabras clave:
impacto económico
manejo enfermedad
mejores prácticas
economic impact
diseases management
best practices
impacto económico
manejo enfermedad
mejores prácticas
economic impact
diseases management
best practices