Lipase Activity, Mesocarp Oil Content, and Iodine Value in Oil Palm Fruits of Elaeis Guineensis, Elaeis Oleifera, and the Interspecific Hybrid O×G (E. oleifera x E. guineensis)

Cadena, Tatiana
Prada, Fausto
Perea, Aidé
Romero, Hernán Mauricio
Palmas; Vol. 34 Núm. 1 (2013); 49-61
Palmas; Vol. 34 Núm. 1 (2013); 49-61
One factor affecting crude palm oil quality is the formation of free fatty acids (FFA), often attributed to the hydrolytic action of mesocarp lipase. The aim of this work was to evaluate the enzyme behavior and to look toward new genotypes with low FFA production, high yield, and better oil quality. Lipase activity was strongly activated at low temperatures (5°C). At this temperature PLL, SOO, POL, and POO (P, palmitic; L, linoleic; S, stearic; O, oleic) were the most hydrolyzed triacylglycerols in Elaeis guineensis fruits. Ethylene production decreased from 36 nL g-1 h-1 at room temperature to 2 nL g-1 h-1 at 5°C. Lipase activity of Elaeis guineensis, the E. oleifera x E. guineensis (OxG) hybrid, and E. oleifera were 52.7%, 32.9%, and <0.6% FFA, respectively. The E. guineensis showed oil in the mesocarp of 54.7%, followed by the OxG hybrid (47.0%), and E. oleifera (13.6%), and the iodine values were 52.0, 66.3, and 77.4 g l2 100g -1, respectively. This work allowed the identification of interspecific OxG hybrid as promising crosses with less lipase activity and higher iodine value than E. guineensis. Although OxG crosses produce less oil in the mesocarp than commercial E. guineensis; this feature could be improved by further breeding to introduce new genes from E. oleifera into the hybrids. Un factor que afecta la calidad del aceite crudo de palma es la formación de ácidos grasos libres (AGL), a menudo atribuida a la acción hidrolítica de la lipasa del mesocarpio. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar el comportamiento de la enzima y caminar en la búsqueda de genotipos con baja producción de ácidos grasos libres, alto rendimiento y una mejor calidad de aceite. La actividad de la lipasa se activó a bajas temperaturas (5°C). A esta temperatura el PLL, SOO, POL y POO (P, palmítico; L, linoleico, S, esteárico; O, oleico) fueron los triacilgliceroles más hidrolizados en los frutos de Elaeis guineensis. La producción de etileno se redujo de 36 nL g-1 h-1 a temperatura ambiente a 2 nL g-1 h-1 a 5 °C. La actividad de la lipasa de Elaeis guineensis, el híbrido E. oleifera x E. guineensis (OxG) y la E. oleifera fueron de 52,7%, 32,9% y <0,6% de AGL, respectivamente. La E. guineensis mostró aceite en el mesocarpio de 54,7%, seguido por el híbrido OxG (47,0%) y la E. oleifera (13,6%), y los índices de yodo fueron 52,0, 66,3 y 77,4 g de I2 100 g-1, respectivamente. Este trabajo permitió la identificación del híbrido interespecífico OxG como material prometedor con menos actividad de la lipasa y de superior índice de yodo a E. guineensis. Aunque los cruces OxG producen menos aceite en el mesocarpio que el comercial E. guineensis, esta característica se puede mejorar con la introducción de nuevos genes de E. oleifera en futuros híbridos.
One factor affecting crude palm oil quality is the formation of free fatty acids (FFA), often attributed to the hydrolytic action of mesocarp lipase. The aim of this work was to evaluate the enzyme behavior and to look toward new genotypes with low FFA production, high yield, and better oil quality. Lipase activity was strongly activated at low temperatures (5°C). At this temperature PLL, SOO, POL, and POO (P, palmitic; L, linoleic; S, stearic; O, oleic) were the most hydrolyzed triacylglycerols in Elaeis guineensis fruits. Ethylene production decreased from 36 nL g-1 h-1 at room temperature to 2 nL g-1 h-1 at 5°C. Lipase activity of Elaeis guineensis, the E. oleifera x E. guineensis (OxG) hybrid, and E. oleifera were 52.7%, 32.9%, and <0.6% FFA, respectively. The E. guineensis showed oil in the mesocarp of 54.7%, followed by the OxG hybrid (47.0%), and E. oleifera (13.6%), and the iodine values were 52.0, 66.3, and 77.4 g l2 100g -1, respectively. This work allowed the identification of interspecific OxG hybrid as promising crosses with less lipase activity and higher iodine value than E. guineensis. Although OxG crosses produce less oil in the mesocarp than commercial E. guineensis; this feature could be improved by further breeding to introduce new genes from E. oleifera into the hybrids.
Palabras clave:
free fatty acids
oil palm
iodine value
ácidos grasos libres
aceite de palma
índice de yodo
free fatty acids
oil palm
iodine value
ácidos grasos libres
aceite de palma
índice de yodo