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dc.creatorVerwilghen, A. 38942, autor. aut
dc.creatorMcAleer, V. 38944.
dc.creatorRenevot, G. 38945.
dc.creatorSoengas, B. 38946.
dc.creatorCentre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement, CIRAD 38947.
dc.creatorCNEARC 38948.
dc.creatorENGREFF 38949.
dc.creatorPRESCO PLC 38950.
dc.creatorSIAT BRUSSELS BELGIUM 38951.
dc.descriptionIncluye 8 referencias bibliográficas.
dc.publisherNigeria : PRESCO PlC,
dc.subjectPalma africana
dc.subjectAgricultura sostenible
dc.subjectIndustria de aceite de palma
dc.titleGreen Ologbo : Development of a new Concession in an integrated project for sustainable oil palm production a Field Test Case for Implementation of the RSPO Principles and Criteria.

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