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dc.creator1998 International Oil Palm Conference. Commodity of the past, today, and the future September 23-25, 1998 : Nusa Dua, Bali, Indonesia : 45088.
dc.creatorMiyawaki, Youzou 49838.
dc.descriptionIn this paper, the situation of palm oil and palm kernel oil is described from a viewpoint of the oleochemical industry. Fats and oils consumed for the oleochemicals are 5 millions tons and 6per cent based on the total production of vegetable and animals oils. Palm oil and palm kernel oil are important raw materials, and basic olechemical such as fatty acids and fatty acid methylester has come out. In this process carotene is recovered and laundry detergents are produced from palm-based fatty acid methylester. Palm oil and palm kernel oil are abundant enough as resources and environmentally friendly, so the important situation of them as the oleochemical feedstock will be more strengthened in the 21st century.
dc.descriptionIncluye 5 referencias bibliográficas.
dc.descriptionIn this paper, the situation of palm oil and palm kernel oil is described from a viewpoint of the oleochemical industry. Fats and oils consumed for the oleochemicals are 5 millions tons and 6per cent based on the total production of vegetable and animals oils. Palm oil and palm kernel oil are important raw materials, and basic olechemical such as fatty acids and fatty acid methylester has come out. In this process carotene is recovered and laundry detergents are produced from palm-based fatty acid methylester. Palm oil and palm kernel oil are abundant enough as resources and environmentally friendly, so the important situation of them as the oleochemical feedstock will be more strengthened in the 21st century.
dc.publisherMedan : IOPRI,
dc.subjectAceite de palma
dc.subjectAceite de palmiste
dc.subjectÁcidos grasos.
dc.subjectéster metílico
dc.titleMajor contribution of crude palm oil and palm kernel oil in the oleochemical industry.

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