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dc.creatorInternational Conference on Pests and Diseases of Importance to the Oil Palm Industry. Fostering Global Cooperation in Instituting Quarantine Shield May 18-19, 2004 : Kuala Lumpur, Malasia : 46828.
dc.creatorAdon, N. B. 46829.
dc.creatorBakoumé, C. 41028.
dc.creatorTengoua, F. F. 41371.
dc.descriptionIncluye 14 referencias bibliográficas.
dc.publisherKuala Lumpur : MPOB,
dc.subjectControl de enfermedades.
dc.subjectEnfermedades de las plantas.
dc.subjectpudrición basal del tallo
dc.subjectPalma de aceite
dc.titleAssessment of the incidence of the basal stem rot caused by Ganoderma sp. in the Cameroon Development Corporation (CDC) Oilpalm Plantation at Mussaka (South West Province of Cameroon).

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