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dc.creatorGurr, Mike I. 41005, autor. aut©1996
dc.descriptionCaritenoids are interesting to food technologists for their colours and to nutritionists as precursors of vitamin A and more recently, for their ability to scavenge free radicals. The provitamin A activity of carotenes depends on their structure and their food source and has often been expressed as retonol equivalentes. A rule of thumb has been that, in a mixed diet, 6 micrograms of carotene represent 1 microgram of retinol equivalents. Recent work in Indonesia suggests that regular consumption of green leafy vegetables frequently recommended as providing a good source of vitamin A, does little to improve vitamin A status of women and children who are at risk of vitamin A deficiency. Red palm oil, containing abundant beta-carotene with high bioavailability, may be a mor eeffective vehicle for combating widespread vitamin A deficiency.
dc.descriptionCaritenoids are interesting to food technologists for their colours and to nutritionists as precursors of vitamin A and more recently, for their ability to scavenge free radicals. The provitamin A activity of carotenes depends on their structure and their food source and has often been expressed as retonol equivalentes. A rule of thumb has been that, in a mixed diet, 6 micrograms of carotene represent 1 microgram of retinol equivalents. Recent work in Indonesia suggests that regular consumption of green leafy vegetables frequently recommended as providing a good source of vitamin A, does little to improve vitamin A status of women and children who are at risk of vitamin A deficiency. Red palm oil, containing abundant beta-carotene with high bioavailability, may be a mor eeffective vehicle for combating widespread vitamin A deficiency.
dc.subjectAceite de palma
dc.subjectAceites comestibles.
dc.subjectNutrición humana.
dc.titleCaratenoids : Golden nutrients.

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