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dc.creatorBertrand, B. 42520, autor. aut
dc.creatorAguilar, G. 42521.
dc.creatorAnthony, F. 42522.
dc.creatorBompard, E. 42523.
dc.creatorRafinon, A. 42524.©1997
dc.descriptionThirtyseven Catimor and Sarchimor lines of coffee [Coffea arabica], derived from 3 Hibrido de Timor lines, were compared to commercial Catuai and Caturra lines in 2 trials (started in 1988 and 1989, respectively) at the CICAFE station (1200 m asl) in Costa Rica. Productivity, bean size, stem girth, empty beans and berries were measured, as well as orange rust (Hemileia vastatrix) and nematode incidence (Meloidogyne exigua and Pratylenchus sp.), and resistance to coffee berry disease (CBD, Colletotrichum kahawae). Catimor and Sarchimor lines were characterized by superior vigour and productivity compared to traditional lines, which was mostly attributed to their improved resistance to H. vastatrix and M. exigua. T18141 and T18130 were noted for their resistance to M. exigua. There were no differences in incidence of Pratylenchus sp. between controls and Catimor or Sarchimor lines. Different Catimor and Sarchimor lines exhibited different degrees of resistance to 5 isolates of CBD tested, whilst controls were susceptible to all isolates. T18139 and T18126 showed moderate susceptibility to 2 aggressive isolates of CBD from Cameroon, whilst other lines were classed as susceptible.
dc.descriptionIncluye 22 referencias bibliográficas.
dc.descriptionThirtyseven Catimor and Sarchimor lines of coffee [Coffea arabica], derived from 3 Hibrido de Timor lines, were compared to commercial Catuai and Caturra lines in 2 trials (started in 1988 and 1989, respectively) at the CICAFE station (1200 m asl) in Costa Rica. Productivity, bean size, stem girth, empty beans and berries were measured, as well as orange rust (Hemileia vastatrix) and nematode incidence (Meloidogyne exigua and Pratylenchus sp.), and resistance to coffee berry disease (CBD, Colletotrichum kahawae). Catimor and Sarchimor lines were characterized by superior vigour and productivity compared to traditional lines, which was mostly attributed to their improved resistance to H. vastatrix and M. exigua. T18141 and T18130 were noted for their resistance to M. exigua. There were no differences in incidence of Pratylenchus sp. between controls and Catimor or Sarchimor lines. Different Catimor and Sarchimor lines exhibited different degrees of resistance to 5 isolates of CBD tested, whilst controls were susceptible to all isolates. T18139 and T18126 showed moderate susceptibility to 2 aggressive isolates of CBD from Cameroon, whilst other lines were classed as susceptible.
dc.subjectpest resistance
dc.subjectplant diseases
dc.subjectplant nematology
dc.subjectplant parasitic nematodes
dc.subjectplant pathogenic fungi
dc.subjectplant pathogens
dc.subjectplant pathology
dc.subjectstimulant plants
dc.subjecttropical crops
dc.subjectvarietal reactions
dc.subjectPlant diseases
dc.subjectPlant diseases
dc.subjectPlant nematodes
dc.subjectPhytopathogenic microorganisms
dc.subjectPlant diseases
dc.subjectPlant diseases
dc.subjectTropical crops
dc.titleAgronomic performance and resistance to the main pests of Sarchimor and Catimor lines in Costa Rica.

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