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dc.creatorPilotti, C.A 42301, autor. aut
dc.creatorBridge, P.D. 37250.©2002
dc.descriptionA molecular diagnostic has been developed for the early detection of Ganoderma basal stem rot in oil palms before disease symptoms are apparent. The molecular diagnostic is based around a specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer that can be used to detect pathogen DNA in simple extractions made directly from oil palms. The development and use of this primer in the elucidation of infection processes is described.
dc.descriptionIncluye 13 referencias bibliográficas.
dc.descriptionA molecular diagnostic has been developed for the early detection of Ganoderma basal stem rot in oil palms before disease symptoms are apparent. The molecular diagnostic is based around a specific polymerase chain reaction (PCR) primer that can be used to detect pathogen DNA in simple extractions made directly from oil palms. The development and use of this primer in the elucidation of infection processes is described.
dc.subjectEnfermedades de las plantas.
dc.subjectpudrición basal
dc.subjectPalma de aceite
dc.titleBasal stem rot : Probing the facts.

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