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dc.creatorSiburat, Simon 42106, autor. aut
dc.creatorDusimin, Henry 42107.
dc.creatorSi Ta, Sim 42108.©2003
dc.descriptionOil palm cultivation in the flood-prone areas has always been a challenging task and should be approached cautiously and realistically. In striving to maximise land utilisation, we accept the limitation and the risk of oil palm cultivation under these flood-prone conditions with the hope of reaping good returns. The success rate will be highly dependable on ground information on the determination of flooding level, frequency and the receding rate of flood outflow. Based on our current experience, we have a higher confidence in the success of planting oil palms on elevated platform over the bund and water gate system. Our past experience in planting oil palms under similar flood-prone areas in the Labuk region is a reassurance that given time, the palms can eventually outgrow the flood level and the level of mortality of palms in the mitigated areas will decrease in time to come.
dc.descriptionIncluye 9 referencias bibliográficas.
dc.descriptionOil palm cultivation in the flood-prone areas has always been a challenging task and should be approached cautiously and realistically. In striving to maximise land utilisation, we accept the limitation and the risk of oil palm cultivation under these flood-prone conditions with the hope of reaping good returns. The success rate will be highly dependable on ground information on the determination of flooding level, frequency and the receding rate of flood outflow. Based on our current experience, we have a higher confidence in the success of planting oil palms on elevated platform over the bund and water gate system. Our past experience in planting oil palms under similar flood-prone areas in the Labuk region is a reassurance that given time, the palms can eventually outgrow the flood level and the level of mortality of palms in the mitigated areas will decrease in time to come.
dc.subjectControl de inundaciones.
dc.subjectLlanura aluvial.
dc.subjectPalma de aceite
dc.titleFlood mitigation measures for oil palm planting in Segama Floodplain : A PPB Oil Palms'Experience.

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