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dc.creatorMohd Hashim Tajuddin 41712, autor. aut
dc.creatorMohd Tarmizi Taib 41713.©2006
dc.descriptionProper fertilizer management and a well implemented manuring programme is important to ensure better oil palm crop production. Good agronomic practices and understanding of impact or fertilisers on palm growth and crop yields is essential to ensure cost effective manuring programme. The proper procedures, planning and organisation of field application of fertilisers must always be practised to prevent common mistakes that can occur in the field. Biomass recycling to improve soil fertility must be given consideration for sustainable oil palm cultivation.
dc.descriptionProper fertilizer management and a well implemented manuring programme is important to ensure better oil palm crop production. Good agronomic practices and understanding of impact or fertilisers on palm growth and crop yields is essential to ensure cost effective manuring programme. The proper procedures, planning and organisation of field application of fertilisers must always be practised to prevent common mistakes that can occur in the field. Biomass recycling to improve soil fertility must be given consideration for sustainable oil palm cultivation.
dc.subjectNutrición eficiente
dc.subjectPérdida de nutrientes
dc.subjectPalma de aceite
dc.titleFertiliser management in oil palm to improve crop yields.

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