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dc.creatorNicolaou, Anna, autor. aut 54774
dc.creatorPeng, Yonghong. 57050
dc.creatorUniversity of Bradford, UK. 57051
dc.descriptionLipidomics is an emerging area of lipid research aiming to study for a given tissue or system the profiles and complete composition of lipids in parallel with their functional role. This approach has the great potential to generate new information on lipid-mediated networks, offer more understanding of disease development, identify potent biomarkers and promote novel therapeutic targets. The aim of this article is to review the current developments, technologies, directions and challenges in this area.
dc.descriptionLipidomics is an emerging area of lipid research aiming to study for a given tissue or system the profiles and complete composition of lipids in parallel with their functional role. This approach has the great potential to generate new information on lipid-mediated networks, offer more understanding of disease development, identify potent biomarkers and promote novel therapeutic targets. The aim of this article is to review the current developments, technologies, directions and challenges in this area.
dc.titleLipidomics : current developments, challenges and opportunities.

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