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dc.creatorConferencia Internacional sobre Palma de Aceite XV Septiembre 19-22, 2006 : Cartagena, Colombia. 41866
dc.creatorFederación Nacional de Cultivadores de Palma de Aceite, Fedepalma [Colombia] 36940©2006
dc.descriptionM1-1 Oil palm biotechnology at CIRAD Norbert Billote
dc.descriptionM1-11 Ensuring the continuous improvement and quality of Dami seeds Frederic Dumortier
dc.descriptionM1-14 CIRAD-INRAB seed gardens set up in South America. Strategy, implementation and expected value of future oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) seed production Isaac Adjé
dc.descriptionM1-20 Climate warming effects on some agricultural systems Andrew Paul Gutierrez
dc.descriptionM1-21 Disease Management in Tropical Perennial Crops Randy Ploetz
dc.descriptionM1-29 Integrated Oil Palm Nutrition Management Khan Kiang Kee
dc.descriptionM1-3 Allelic diversity of natural oil palm (Elaeis guineensis Jacq.) populations detected by microsatellite markers. Implication in conservation Claude Bakoume
dc.descriptionM1-34 Response of clonal oil palms (Elaeis guineensis) to two different magnesium fertilizers on yield and oil productivity Bernd Ditschar
dc.descriptionM1-35 Agri-environmental indicators for sustainable palm oil production Jean Pierre Caliman
dc.descriptionM2-10 The energy balance in the production of palm oil biodiesel - Two case studies: Brazil and Colombia Electo Eduardo Silva Lora (Balance energético)
dc.descriptionM2-10 The energy consumption in the palm oil biodiesel life cycle for the conditions of Colombia Electo Eduardo Silva Lora (Biodiésel)
dc.descriptionM2-11 Cogeneration potential in the columbian palm oil industry: three case studies Electo Eduardo Silva Lora (Cogeneración)
dc.descriptionM2-14 Sterilization, its development to present day application. Noel Wambeck
dc.descriptionM2-15 The current status of commercialization of the continuous sterilization process Sivasothy Kandiah
dc.descriptionM2-16 Modern vertical sterilizer Choong Hwa Doong
dc.descriptionM2-18 Centrífugas decanters en varios procesos para la elaboración de aceite de palma Wolfgang Steiger
dc.descriptionM2-2 Opportunities about Cosmetic applications of Palm oil Luigi Rigano
dc.descriptionM2-22 Oil Palm Waste to Energy (W2E) Generation Project. Noel Wambeck
dc.descriptionM2-24 Turning POME and EFB into organic fertilizer without waste and discharge Ooi Ling-Hoak
dc.descriptionM2-25 Sustainable waste water (POME) and waste (EFB) management in palm oil mills by a new process Héctor Miranda
dc.descriptionM3-10 Introduction to logistics network optimization in palm oil Edgardo A. Tinsay
dc.descriptionM3-4 Malaysian palm oil industry: new challenges and perspectives Chandran
dc.descriptionM3-5 The 15TH International Oil Palm Conference Expopalma and Business Matchmaking Forum Claude Bakoume
dc.descriptionM3-7 From Inception to Action: RSPO as a Global, Multi-stakeholder Platform for Sustainability in Palm Oil. Fitrian Ardiansyah
dc.descriptionM3-9 Oil palm competitiveness PT. Socfindo as an Indonesian Example Harold Williams
dc.descriptionP-1 New opportunities for strategically positioning palm oil in the world market Jens Mesa Dishington
dc.descriptionP-3 Technological development: future of the oil palm agro industry Mohd Basri Wahid
dc.descriptionP-4 Overview of a biorefinery and opportunities in the palm oil sector K.C. Das
dc.descriptionP-7 Medium-term supply and demand projections for the oilseeds complex Peter Thoenes
dc.titlePresentaciones originales XV Conferencia internacional sobre palma de aceite.

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